So to wrap up my trip, I'm making one more blog. This time, it's a picture a day! 40 days are left!!!
check it out! this is a daily thing until i get back.
Some things that are coming up this December:
1) Tests
2) Moving to the new church
3) Christmas!
4) Violin performance
School has Nothing special to report. The second half of the year was definitely less active, but somehow, I enjoyed it more than the first. I've been trying to study subjects that I will be taking when I get back as much as possible [Spanish, English vocab, math...].
I can't wait to come back, but it's of course so sad that I'm leaving! Today one person said, "Tears are going to fall when Tintin leaves...". Another person said, "Only tears? I'm going to have a runny nose, my mouth..."
In Korean tears is noon mool, runny nose is kon mool, and then out of the mouth-eep mool. They all have "mool", so when she said this it was: "noon mool, kon mool, eep mool...MOOL!"
water is going to come out of their faces, basically, when i leave...awwww!